02 Aug Quickie Update for August 2nd
Hi Anyone,
I broke my own prime directive and haven’t posted anything in over a week, so here’s a quick me update.
Today I had my second electrolysis session and you know what, it gets better – no much, but the time seemed to fly by and my face is getting used to the trauma.
Tomorrow I have my first therapist appointment which I approach with mild trepidation. I still can’t reconcile the need to have a psychiatrists approval to get medical help, but that’s where I’m at. Image the outcry that would sound across the land if you had to go to a shrink to get you Viagra. I’ll hope for the best; this could be a very positive step on my transition ladder,
On a sad note, most of the love and support I currently enjoy comes entirely from a few loving individuals online. Today one of those wonderful girls, who’s videos are a great source of strength and motivation for me, had to pull down some of her videos and practically shutdown her channel to keep things OK at work. She makes these videos to sometimes rant, to vent, to share, to help her fellow transgender community friends, and for her own catharsis, but apparently her videos, truly meant for the transgender audience, leaked out at work and became fodder for the workplace gawkers at large. I hope she can get this worked out soon; I’m being selfish her, but she’s my rock.
That’s all for now; big day tomorrow.