Roux (Brown) 01
This is how to make a Brown Roux for use in typical dishes… darker and richer than a Blonde Roux in color and flavor, the Brown Roux has more body, but less thickening power than the White or Blonde Roux’s. The Brown Roux is used to thicken hearty meat dishes and in particular Cajun and Creole dishes. The basic rule is Half & Half; half fat (butter, vegetable or animal oil), and half flour. Most folks start with a little less flour, and then add it closer to the end of the process to get a roux to the consistency they need to achieve the thickness their looking for in the end product; thicker roux will give you a thicker soup for instance. So for the basics, I’ll start off with a batch of roux that is small for a restaurant but more than enough for most immediate home uses… 1 lb. Fat to 1 lb. Flour, but adjust these amounts up or down depending on how much liquid you need to thicken.