Roux (Blonde) 01
This is how to make a Blonde Roux for use in typical dishes… a little darker and richer than a White Roux in color and flavor, use it for most any dish… fish, seafood, chicken, soups, veal stews, etc… The basic rule is Half & Half; half fat (butter, vegetable or animal oil), and half flour. Most folks start with a little less flour, and then add it closer to the end of the process to get a roux to the consistency they need to achieve the thickness their looking for in the end product; thicker roux will give you a thicker soup for instance. So for the basics, I’ll start off with a batch of roux that is small for a restaurant but more than enough for most immediate home uses… 1 lb. Fat to 1 lb. Flour, but adjust these amounts up or down depending on how much liquid you need to thicken.