Fruit Salad 01
A typical arrangement of fruits served with a simple yogurt sauce as presented at the Backstage Restaurant in New Hope, PA. Fresh fruits in season are best, however, now days, quality ripe fruit is available almost everywhere and mostly year round. The Yogurt Sauce is included at the end of this recipe.
Servings Prep Time
1serving 20minutes
Servings Prep Time
1serving 20minutes
Fruit Salad Ingredients…
Honey Vanilla Yogurt Sauce Ingredients…
For the Fruit Salad…
  1. On a small round glass plate: Place some garnish (greens or lettuce).
  2. Top with sliced and arranged fresh fruits in season.
  3. Serve with Honey Vanilla Yogurt Sauce.
For the Honey Sauce…
  1. In a mixing bowl: Combine the Yogurt, Honey, Vanilla and Vanilla Bean Seeds.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Store in a sealed container, refrigerated.